Trahimus Niklas 

Ulvedalen's Kraka

Trahimus Niklas in lead - 6 dog sledge -  WSA WC in Åsarna 2008

Trahimus Niklas

Niklas is a mature male of 4 years. Runs all positions with equal conviction - this season Niklas has been moving to the position as lead-dog, and he is doing a great job!!!


He is extremely friendly to people and social in the kennel.


Exhibition: Bjursås 15/9-07: Very Good

Exhibition: Vaggeryd 25/4-09:Very Good, CK, Certifikat - BIM!

Exhibition:Bjursås 12/9-09: Very Good

Exhibition: Vaggeryd 24/4-10: Very Good, CK,


Niklas will probably be able to finish the S(polar)CH this upcoming season -missing just only 1st prize ‘meritering’.


Hips - x-ray - A

Eyes - Clear


Niklas in lead and always with such a calm - never stressful!!

Ulvedalens Kraka in lead

#2 Gribskov 2009 6-dogroller sprint

Ulvedalen's Kraka

Kraka is the most positive and happy dog on the kennel - she is very social and a fantastic female to have in a large group of dogs. Everyone just want to be friend with her.

Kraka is going as co-lead besides of Tir and are working with large energi and enterprise. She really keep up the speed. She is a very promising lead and we really believe in her!

Eats and drinks like a vacuum cleaner.

A female that will be part of our breeding program.

Kraka is part of the competition team.


Exhibition: Vaggeryd 28/4-07: Very Good

Exhibition: Vaggeryd 25/4-09: Very Good



Hips - x-ray - B

Eyes - Clear

The finish line -  Gribskov 2009

Inbreeding: 3,5%

Trahimus Niklas Petruschka's Nick-Nack Somerset Island Vjerry Fortsalongs Spirit Of Devin
Fortsalongs Diamond
Trinity Kennel's Tee Bee Trinity Kennel's Bugs
Fortsalongs Diamond
Fenrisulven Akela Axias Qurry Zeros Ruehoe
Axias Qonnie
Fenrisulven Freja Unisak's Jet Bandit
Fenrisulven Nanek

Ulvedalen's Kraka

Jarvik’s Triton

Trinity Kennel's O-Grey Wolf Trinity Kennel's Bugs
Fortsalongs Diamond
Jarvik’s Czardas Alka-Shan's Callico
Snowtrails Sandra

  Fenrisulven Tir

Alka-Shan's Zephir Somerset Island Opium
Kodiak's Qloudy
Fenrisulven Attis Axias Qefir
Fenrisulven Nanek





Kennel Ulvedalen

v/ Susan Hansen og Bo Petersen, Fælledvej 4, 4281 Gørlev

+45 59 50 20 54